Web Design Trends for 2020

Here is a list of the web design trends to look for in 2020:

  • Over-sized lettering
  • Asymmetric Layouts
  • Animation
  • Custom Images
  • Split Content
  • Hidden navigation
  • Full-Screen Forms
  • Parallax Web Design

Bold typography

Over-sized lettering, or bold typography, is increasing in popularity. Over-sized typography has some vivid benefits, such as drawing more attention to your brand name and/or business objective by putting it in a big type on the main page of your website. Moodog Digital is a media company that focuses on brand development. The usage of over-sized lettering on their website really grabs visitors’ attention.

The Moodog website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.


Asymmetric Layouts

Most websites are grid-based. The grid is made of imaginary lines that help layout elements on the page stay in order. The website owners who want to be unique will start implementing a broken grid technique and placing design elements chaotically. This technique makes websites look more creative and will be the top web design trend for 2020.

The Allmar website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.



Moving visuals of different forms and formats have always been popular in web design. The latest trend is the usage of background video! Animation instead of static background brings your platform to life and makes visitors stay longer — or at least long enough to watch the whole video.

The Best Sleep Centre website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.


Custom Images

Custom imagery adds a uniques sense of character to your website. With the help of this web design trend, you can display your brand identity and make it memorable to the potential customers. Next time when users will see one of your custom images, even on another resource, your website will pop into their heads and they’ll be reminded to return again. Just one more trick to gain popularity online and boost conversions!

The # website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.


Split Content

With the help of split content web design technique, you can showcase more than one important message at a time on a single page. It also makes your website look more appealing and well-organized.

The Clear Aesthetics website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.


Hidden navigation

Hidden navigation is also used with regard to minimalism, which, as you can see, the main web design trend for 2020. With the help of hidden navigation, you can save a lot of space. Do not hesitate to use it on your website, especially if it makes your design look more clear.


Full-Screen Forms

As we have mentioned above, BIG typography is especially popular among businesses and designers preferring a more clean and simple design. So why not create a contact form that fits the whole screen? Adding large, easily accessible forms on the homepage is another growing trend in web design. This way the process of submitting forms is simplified and easier for site visitors.

The Clear Aesthetics website is a good example of a successfully implemented split screen layout.


Parallax Web Design

The parallax scrolling technique in web design originally came from the video games. Its secret lies in the background moving at different speeds during web page scrolling which creates a pseudo-3D effect.